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G B European Professional

Sep 11th, 2022 at 00:01   Auto Services   42 White Street Rotorua 3010   24 views Reference: 74089
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Click to get direction: 42 White Street Rotorua 3010

Contact Info(s):

O: 073487598

F: 033487550

Opening hours


Products and Services


Oil Changes, Diagnostics, Tune-ups




Fuel Injectors, Ignitions, Chassis, Pumps, Belts, Bearings, Transmissions, Brakes, Lights, Batteries, Cambelts, Engines


Chrysler, Mercedes-Benz, Peugeot, Jeep

Year est.


Parking options

Free Off-Street


Motor Trade Association (Inc)
Motor Trade Association (Inc)

Payment options

Personal Cheques
Direct Credit (internet banking, phone banking)
American Express

About G B European

GB European is Rotorua's Authorised Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge, and Peugeot parts and service dealer. We are also an independant Mercedes Benz specialist. We stock many fast moving parts and any not immediately on hand are normally available by overnight courier.
Our Service Team operate the latest in diagnostic equipment and are constantly upgrading skills through specialised out of town training.

As well as the resources we have on site, we also have access to an excellent support network should we require it.

At GB European we understand how important it is for your vehicle to be in the hands of professionals. We are passionate about providing an environment that reflects our commitment to a service you can trust.
While we specialise in European vehicles, bookings for all makes of vehicles are welcomed.

The team at GB European pride ourselves on providing an excellent quality of service. We are an enthusiastic, qualified and competent team.

Please visit our website for more information!

What makes us different

For all your automotive repair requirements, head to your local expert team at GB European. We pride ourselves on our high quality workmanship, industry knowledge and friendly service.

Website: http://www.gbeuropean.co.nz

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GB-European-124709620958326/?fref=ts

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