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Futonz Ltd Professional

Sep 10th, 2022 at 05:37   Home Services   631 West Coast Road Oratia Auckland 0604   19 views Reference: 42012

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Servicing: Auckland Region, Canterbury Region, Wellington Region

Click to get direction: 631 West Coast Road Oratia Auckland 0604

Contact Info(s):

O: 098130894

F: 0508388669

Products and Services


Restoration, Custom Orders, Made to Order, Repairs, Kit Assembly, Customising, Individually Created, Covering, Replacement, Assembly, Installation, Made to Measure, Manufacturing


Mattresses, Bedding, Pillows




Wool, Fibre, Cotton, Latex, Wood


Sofa Beds, Futons, Slat Beds

Year est.


Payment options

Personal Cheques
Direct Credit (internet banking, phone banking)

About Futonz Ltd

FUTONZ, the New Zealand Futon and Latex Bed Company, sells the best quality futons and timber frames at the best value prices in New Zealand.

FUTONZ offers you environmentally friendly choices, good health, and luxurious comfort. Our wool, cotton and latex futons and pure latex mattresses are hand made using natural materials to provide the best sleep environment possible. We also have solid wooden slat beds and settees made from sustainable plantation grown pine and macrocarpa wool, finished in beautiful eco-friendly oils and waxes.

Designed for New Zealand, using the best quality materials and with expert workmanship, you can rely on our beds for the most comfortable and restful sleeping environment in any weather or season.

Established in 2000, and with decades of combined experience in bed frame construction and futon manufacturing, you can be assured of our quality and standards. We have a 5 year guarantee on our futons, a 10 year guarantee on our bed frames, and a 10 year guarantee on our latex mattresses.

Visit our website to view our wide range of natural bedding, or come to our showroom in West Auckland.

As we busily manufacture everything ourselves from our factory and showroom in Oritia, West Auckland, we are able to offer the most competitive prices in New Zealand, and we freight nation wide.


What makes us different

Futonz combines the highest quality bed materials with the very best in bed design. Futonz Natural Bedding is NZ made, designed and owned, so our they are cost effective, organic and environmentally sustainable. If not satisfied with our products, full refund after one week trial. We have quality, hand crafted beds and furniture.

Website: http://www.futonz.co.nz

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