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Fusion Metalworks Professional

Sep 14th, 2022 at 02:26   Auto Services   Servicing: Kapiti, Lower Hutt City, Porirua City, Upper Hutt City, Wellington City   27 views Reference: 234254

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Contact Info(s):

O: 043888905

F: 0275833111

Products and Services


Motorcycle Trailers, Domestic, Galvanised, Bike, Car Trailers, Boat Trailers, Commercial Trailers, Flatbed Trailers, Enclosed, Structural, Mechanical, Hydraulic, Exterior, Straight, Curved


Handrails, Fences, Balustrades, Gates


Customising, Repairs, Manufacturing, Fabrication, Installation, Design, Customising, Manufacturing, Piping, Welding, Overhauls, Fabrication, Maintenance, To Customer Requirements, Made to Order, Custom Designing, Construction, Design, Machining, Customising, Repairs, Project Management


Trailer Springs, Covers, Axles

Service Options

Visit Us Online, Consultations, Online Information, Quotes


Alloy Steel, Abrasion Resistant Steel, Structural Steel, Stainless Steel, Titanium, Aluminium, Steel, Glass, Aluminium

Markets Served

Commercial, Commercial, Commercial, Residential, Industrial


Locally Owned & Operated

About Fusion Metalworks

Welcome to Fusion Metalworks, we are your specialists in metal work and general engineering, including stainless steel and architectural work.

With over thirty years experience providing excellence in steel, aluminium and titanium engineering, Fusion metalworks is an innovative company that strives to provide excellent service to all our customers. Servicing the greater Wellington region, our friendly and professional staff work with you to make your plans a reality. At Fusion Metalworks we guarantee our workmanship, which is of the highest possible quality, and our team of innovative designers will oversee your project to full completion - no job is too big or small.

Visit us online today for more comprehensive info or call now to speak to our friendly team, we welcome your enquiries.

Website: http://www.fusionmetalworks.co.nz

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