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Fulton Hogan Professional

Sep 11th, 2022 at 14:59   Professional Services   19 Higgins Road Hamilton   28 views Reference: 77878

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Click to get direction: 19 Higgins Road Hamilton

Contact Info(s):

O: 078475127

F: 078480729

Products and Services


Motorways, Streets, Roads, Highways, Driveways, Driveways, Car Parks, Streets, Roads, Paths, Tracks, Car Parks, Driveways


Safety Signs, Signs, Traffic Signs, Barriers, Traffic Signals, Controllers




Registered, Registered, Registered, Registered


Diggers, Trucks, Graders


Wastewater, Drainage, Flood Damage, Stabilisation, Job Site Safety, Safety, Drainage


Cement, Concrete, Asphalt, Asphalt, Cement, Asphalt, Lime


Road Marking, Sealing, Paving, Sitework, Maintenance, Grading, Resurfacing, Surfacing, Civil Engineering, Crack Sealing, Custom Work, Patching, Sealing, Industrial Coatings, Sitework, Digging, Resurfacing, Earthmoving, Coating, Construction, Contracting, Repairs, Excavations, Clearing, Project Management, Reinforcing, Site Assessments, Drilling, Construction, Land Clearing, Excavations, Clearing, Civil Engineering, Crack Sealing, Traffic Control, Paving, Maintenance, Seal Coating, Resurfacing, Management, Repairs, Road Marking, Sealing, Planting, Paving, Maintenance, Construction

Markets Served

Commercial, Residential, Industrial, Institutional, Commercial, Residential, Industrial, Commercial, Residential, Industrial, Commercial, Industrial, Institutional, Commercial, Residential, Industrial, Commercial, Residential, Industrial


Tracks, Roads, Streets, Bridges, Motorways, Retaining Walls, Bridges, Streets, Foundations, Roads, Roadways, Highways, Driveways


Subdivisions, Subdivisions, Subdivisions

Year est.


Mailing address

PO Box 5503 Frankton Hamilton 3142

About Fulton Hogan

Fulton Hogan specialises in building and maintaining transport and civil infrastructure so that our communities can operate safely and efficiently.

Our expertise in civil construction, asphalt surfacing and long term asset maintenance allows us to bring together our specialist capabilities so that under one roof we can offer insightful solutions that meet your needs.

We draw on 79 year history if building relationships based on doing what we say so that you can have confidence in our behaviour and outcomes.

For more information please visit our website or call today to discuss your specific requirements.

What makes us different

Fulton Hogan is a well-respected and reputable name in civil construction, engineering and infrastructure. Our name is synonymous with innovation and we boast over 75 years in the industry respectively. Our services include:

  • Project Management

  • Civil Engineering

  • Contractors

  • Traffic Management

  • Driveways and more

We pride ourselves on offering our customers high quality solutions in project management, infrastructure and civil construction. For more information on how we can assist you in your project, call and speak to our friendly team of professionals today.

Website: http://www.fh.co.nz

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Fulton-Hogan-Civil-South-627336133985252/?fref=ts

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/fulton-hogan_2

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