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Freedom Medical Alarms Professional

Sep 15th, 2022 at 19:37   Alarms Services   Servicing: Kapiti, Lower Hutt City, Porirua City, Upper Hutt City   91 views Reference: 286132

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Contact Info(s):

O: 0800373326

F: 048020944

Opening hours


Products and Services


Training, Repairs, Maintenance, Monitoring, Installation, Consulting, One-unit Install

Markets Served





Congestive Heart Failure, Heart Failure, Traumatic Injuries, Heart Disorders, Disabilities, Heart Murmur, Diabetes, Urgent Care Injuries, Arrhythmia, Heart Disease, Injuries, Accidents, Stroke, Blood Pressure, Congenital Heart Defects, Slip & Fall Accidents

Service Options

Consultations, Emergency Services, Free In-home Consultations

Year est.


About Freedom Medical Alarms

It's your life. Feel Free to live it.

Freedom Medical Alarms has a direct connection to the Central Emergency Ambulance Communication Centre which provides 24 hour monitoring, 356 days a year. Our medical alarms are supervised by highly trained emergency dispatchers.

With help a touch of a button away, Freedom Medical Alarms brings peace of mind to family and friends. We ensure our service is confidential, discreet and personal. In the event of an alarm activation, we take care of everything both at the time and afterwards. We notify relevant parties such as your family, health care provider and ACC.

Freedom Medical Alarms gives people the confidence and security of knowing their safe, medically and personally, in their own home. Call us today or visit our website for more information.

How a Freedom Medical Alarm Works

  1. In case of a medical emergency or fall, press the red button on your medical alarm pendant (Wrist band, Brooch or necklace).
  2. This sends a signal to your base unit which is either plugged into your phone line or on a mobile network.
  3. Within seconds, a trained triage specialist will receive the alarm and attempt to contact you via the base unit's 2 way speaker.
  4. If there is no response or attention is requested by the patient, an ambulance will be dispatched to your home.

Key benefits of a Medical Alarm

It can often be hard to be on hand 24/7 for a loved one when they need you. If living alone but unable to afford daily care, it is important that if something was to go wrong, that an ambulance is on call straight away. This is the value a medical alarm can bring, providing you with piece of mind when you are away.

  • Direct connection to medical emergency triage specialists
  • Ambulance charges from the use of a medical alarm are free as part of our service
  • Optional Key Safe to enable quick access for paramedics in an emergency
  • Connection to specialist community health services with post-accident support

There are many reasons why having a Freedom Medical Alarm is an important part of taking care of your loved ones. Contact the team today or visit our website for more information.

What makes us different

Freedom Medical Alarms is a jointly owned business between two specialist healthcare providers: Healthcare of New Zealand Holdings Limited and Wellington Free Ambulance. Together bringing your family peace of mind.

Website: http://www.freedomalarms.co.nz

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Freedom-Medical-Alarms/315472788499433

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