Frankton Tyre Services Limited Professional
Sep 13th, 2022 at 05:05 Auto Services 164 Glenda Drive Frankton Queenstown 9300 23 views Reference: 195430Contact Info(s):
O: 034411140
Products and Services
ServicesFlat Tyre Repairs, Wheel Alignments, Tyre Pressure Checks, Repairs, Puncture repairs, Rotations, Tyre Fitting, Tyre replacement, Wheel Rotations, Tyre Fittings, Wheel Balancing
KindsPerformance Tyres, Car Tyres, All Season Tyres
Vehicle StylePassenger
VehiclesCar Trailers, Vans, Cars
ProductsWheels, Mag Wheels
About Frankton Tyre Services Limited
As a dealership backed by top international tyre brands, Frankton Tyre Services are in the best position to offer you the right advice and first-rate service, which means you get the correct tyre.
We stock a wide range of tyres including car tyres, performance tyres, snow tyres through to 4x4 tyres, all in our tyre shop in Frankton, Queenstown.
Our Tyre Services include:
- Wheel Rotations
- New Tyres
- Tyre Repairs
- Mag Wheels
- Wheel Alignments
- Balancing
At Frankton Tyre Services, we deal with all kinds of vehicles ranging from the family car and cheap runarounds through to exotic race cars and classic cars.
Please see our website or call for more info.
What makes us different
We are locally owned and operated with over 10 years experience.
automotiveWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.