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Footsteps Podiatry Professional

Sep 13th, 2022 at 02:10   Medical & Emergency   196 McIvor Road RD 6 Myross Bush Invercargill 9876   25 views Reference: 180983
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Click to get direction: 196 McIvor Road RD 6 Myross Bush Invercargill 9876

Contact Info(s):

O: 032154666

F: 0272334393

Opening hours


Products and Services


Shins, Arches, Nails, Heels, Forefoot


Ingrown Toenails, Callouses, Joint Pain, Bunions, Pain, Flat Feet, Corns, Athlete's Foot, Fungus

About Footsteps Podiatry

At Footsteps Podiatry, Cecelia Russell has more than 27 years of experience in 'Keeping Feet Active'.

Specialising in Sports medicine, Footsteps Podiatry (Cecelia Russell), offers comprehensive services for all foot problems in a friendly and caring environment.

Cecelia Russell, a qualified Podiatrist, can help with all general podiatry services including Ingrown nails, Fungal Nails, Bunions, Corns, Callouses and Pain Management for Foot, Lower Limb, Heels, Knee, Shin, Ankles, Arch and Forefoot.

At Footsteps Podiatry (Cecelia Russell), we believe in not only preventing all foot problems but also alleviating pain for an active lifestyle.

For more information and to book appointments, call Cecelia Russell at Footsteps Podiatry today!

What makes us different

If you suffer from pain in your heels, ankles or feet, our team of specialists at Footsteps Podiatry can help. We comprise comprehensive treatment plans to alleviate ailments and can help you enjoy increased foot health. Our professionals deal with an extensive range of foot conditions regularly and we offer a wealth of experience in this area. For more information or to book a consultation, call the experts at Footsteps Podiatry today.

Website: http://www.footstepspodiatry.co.nz

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