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Fond Farewells Professional

Sep 15th, 2022 at 23:18   Pet Services   2 Marion Place Lincoln 7608   30 views Reference: 299850

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Click to get direction: 2 Marion Place Lincoln 7608

Contact Info(s):

O: 033253654

F: 0508366332

Mailing address


About Fond Farewells

Fond Farewells,has been providing a pet cremation service throughout the South Island for over 30 years. The company was originally established by a group of dedicated and caring people who wanted to offer pet owners an alternative when faced with putting their beloved pets to rest, and we continue to uphold this tradition today.

At Fond Farewells we understand the intensity of the bond that develops between people and their pets. Since 1986, we have been providing a service that combines integrity and dignity with a guarantee of professional standards. Working in association with your vet, or independently if you prefer, our experienced and compassionate staff ensure your pet has a dignified and caring farewell.

Located in Lincoln, Canterbury, we provide cremation services to pet owners throughout the entire South Island, offering our clients a wide range of options that will best suit their needs, we are also more than happy to work with you in order to accommodate any special requests that you may have.

  • Established 1986
  • Experienced and compassionate staff
  • Service the entire South Island
  • Member of the New Zealand Pet Crematorium Association (NZPCA)

If you have any questions or concerns regarding Fond Farewells or the services we offer please contact us 0508 Fond Farewells (0508 366 332).

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