Fluid Detail Professional
Sep 12th, 2022 at 05:32 Auto Services 9 Rolleston Street Hokowhitu Palmerston North 4410 32 views Reference: 137949Servicing: Feilding Area, Palmerston North Area, Bulls Area, Foxton Area, Levin Area
Click to get direction: 9 Rolleston Street Hokowhitu Palmerston North 4410
Contact Info(s):
O: 0226445174
About Fluid Detail
Started over three years ago by Ben Byers as a passion project that has quickly developed into a reputable local business, Fluid Detail is challenging tradition and bringing high-quality vehicle care results to your place. Being a small business with limited hours each day you will find me focusing on quality over quantity, exclusivity is in Fluid Details DNA. Having a mobile setup, I bring the car wash to you, at your home, or while you are at work, it does not get any more convenient than that.
Current services on offer include Wash Club, which is a monthly valet subscription service and Surface Coating, which is a range of different protective coating processes including ceramic coating.
I strongly urge anyone interested in this type of services to check out my website and social media to see what Fluid Detail is all about.
automotiveWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.