Fast Autoglass Limited Professional
Sep 13th, 2022 at 03:45 Auto Services 81 Moorhouse Avenue Addington Christchurch 8011 23 views Reference: 189251Servicing: Canterbury Region
Click to get direction: 81 Moorhouse Avenue Addington Christchurch 8011
Contact Info(s):
O: 0800708708
F: 0212410040
Opening hours
- Mon
- Tue
- Wed
- Thu
- Fri
- Sat
Products and Services
AssociationsChamber of Commerce
KindsCars, Boats, Caravan, Vehicles, Trucks, Cut
VehiclesBuses, Cars, Heavy Machinery, Caravan, Trucks, Vans, Buses, Trucks, Cars
Vehicle Features4WD, Sunroofs
ConcernsBreaks, Cracks, Leaks, Chips, Cracks, Leaks, Chips, Cracks, Scratches
ServicesRemoval, Dismantling, Repairs, Cutting, Fleet Services, Installation, Restoration, Glazing, Fitting, Glass Replacement, Repairs, Removal, Glazing, Repairs, Installation
PartsTyres, Mirrors, Windscreens, Wheels
Service OptionsVisit Us Online, Free Quotes, Visit Us Online, Visit Us Online
Markets ServedAgricultural, Commercial, Residential, Industrial, Commercial, Residential, Commercial, Industrial
ProductsScreens, Mirrors, Windows, Mirrors, Doors
AssurancesInsured, Guaranteed
Year est.
Parking options
Free Off-StreetAssociation
Payment options
Mailing address
PO Box 29525 Fendalton Christchurch 8540
About Fast Autoglass Limited
At Fast Autoglass our services include the repair of automotive mirrors, chips, cracks and scratches in laminated screens, and replacement of any piece of glass on any vehicle or machinery mirrors, Windscreens, Headlights and Sunroofs. We are fully mobile within the Canterbury area.
Whether it is a Truck, Bulldozer, Digger, Tractor, Crane, Bus, Train, Earthmoving Machinery, Agricultural Machinery, Forestry Equipment, General plant and equipment, Flat glass cut to fit on site or Curved machinery glass. We have the necessary equipment and skills to get the job done right.
Our aim is to provide a fast response service, with a strong emphasis on quality products and workmanship, delivered with a minimum of inconvenience to our customers. Owner/Operator Mark Harrison has extensive experience, expertise and knowledge in all types of automotive glass repair and replacement.
We won't be beaten on price or quality! Call Fast Autoglass today.
What makes us different
We are your glass merchant and glazing specialists in the Christchurch region. We pride ourselves on our high quality services and wealth of experience in the industry.
windscreensWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.