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Fairview Motors Ltd Professional

Sep 14th, 2022 at 05:02   Auto Services   473 Te Rapa Road Hamilton 3200   21 views Reference: 246739
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Click to get direction: 473 Te Rapa Road Hamilton 3200

Contact Info(s):

O: 078499899

F: 078499808

Opening hours


Products and Services


Panel Beaters, Mechanics, Automotive Mechanics, Mechanics

Vehicle Type





Toyo, Hankook, Firestone, Bridgestone, Goodyear, Dunlop, Yokohama, Nankang


Ford, Mazda, Toyota, Holden, Nissan, BMW, Mitsubishi, Daihatsu, Suzuki, Ford, Hyundai, Mazda, Ford


4WD, Trucks, Vans, Cars, Cars


Motors, Wiper Blades, Radiators, Clutches, Carburettors, Batteries, Tyres, Engine Bearings, Ignition Leads, Cylinders, Chains, Brakes, Filters, Blowoff Valves, Gaskets, Coils, Headlights, Body Panels, Camshafts, Driveshafts, Coil Springs, Engines, Boom Pumps, Body Paint, Belts, Ignitions, Regulators, Fenders, Door Panels, Gearboxes, Cambelts, Blue Headlights, Boost Gauges, CV Joints, Disc Pads, Filters, Air Hoses, Mufflers, Air Filters, Batteries, Hub Caps, CV Joints

Vehicle Features

4WD, Power Steering


Petrol, Hybrid, Diesel


Smoke Damage, Check Engine Light, Scratches, Rust, No Starts, Soot, Damage, Leaks, Auto Damage, Vandalism, Punctures, Collisions, Oxidation, Breakdowns, Vibration, Vehicle Damage, Dents, Emissions, Slip & Fall Accidents, Lightning Damage, Storm Damage, Property Damage, Scuffs, Scratches, Leaks, Dents, Scuffs, Collisions, Hot Tar, Rust, Hail Damage, Hot Tar, Stains, Tar

Service Options

Visit Us Online, Visit Us Online, Visit Us Online, Online Information, Visit Us Online, Walk-ins, Visit Us Online, Online Information, Walk-ins


Balancing, Alignments, Custom Work, Body Work, Oil Changes, Panel Beating, Chassis Dynamometer, Replacement, Painting, Touch-ups, Scheduled Maintenance, Calibrations, Paint Matching, Troubleshooting, Installation, Buffing, Body Work, Repairs, Inspections, Windscreen Replacement, Diagnostics, Colour Matching, To Customer Requirements, Electrical Work, Precision Alignment, Chamois Wash, Touch-ups, Shampooing, Polishing, Cleaning, Paint Protection, Scratch Removal, Car Washes, Detailing, Grooming, Warrant of Fitness, Oil Changes, Overhauls, Upholstering, Tyre Balancing, Replacement, Scheduled Maintenance, Tyre Changes, Dyno Tuning, Analysis, Tune-ups, Troubleshooting, Maintenance, Accident Recovery, Repairs, Inspections, Diagnostics, Electrical Work, Alignments, Precision Alignment, Balancing, Balancing, Alignments, Flat Tyre Repairs, Calibrations, Touch-ups, Rustproofing, Cleaning, Garnet Blasting, Paint Matching, Paint Protection, Computerised Matching, Club Repairs, Panel Beating, Restoration, Grit Blasting, Spray Painting, Buffing, Analysis, Metal Buffing, Spraying, Metal Finishing, Repairs, Inspections, Alignments, Installation

Price Information

Second Hand, Free Over the Phone Quotes, Flexible Terms, Direct Purchasing, Free Quotes, Credit Terms


Wheels, Accessories, Off-road Tyres, All Season Tyres

Vehicle Style

Sedans, Hatchbacks, Sedans, Station Wagons


Performance Tyres, Off-road Tyres, Retreads, All Season Tyres, Radials


Warranties, Warrant of Fitness, Family Owned & Operated, Genuine Parts, Warranties, Genuine Parts, Guaranteed, Factory Authorised


Anti Lock Brakes

Year est.


Mailing address

PO Box 10244 Te Rapa Hamilton 3241

About Fairview Motors Ltd

Fairview Ford and Mazda, part of the community for over 40 years.

Such is the commitment of Fairview staff in providing our customers with quality vehicles and service for four generations that we consider ourselves to be "part of the family" of many Waikato people.

Now here's just some of what Fairview Can do for you...

  • New and Used Ford and Mazda Passenger and Light Commercial vehicles
  • Ford Performance Vehicles
  • Finance and Insurance Packages
  • Ford and Mazda Parts and Accessories
  • Any vehicle make - Vehicle Servicing with a dedicated Tyre and Alignment Centre
  • Any vehicle make - Vehicle Panel & Paint
  • Valet Department
  • Fairview Educational Services - Technical, Panel and Paint Courses.

Please visit our website or call now to find out

What makes us different

Established in 1967, we offer a full range of vehicle servicing and parts. Our team of fully trained and qualified technicians have the expertise to carry out servicing and repair of your vehicle. We have a dedicated tyre and alignment centre for servicing all makes and models.

Website: http://www.fairviewmotors.co.nz

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fairviewmazda

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