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Eye Specialists Professional

Sep 12th, 2022 at 23:44   Medical & Emergency   19 Kamo Road Regent Whangarei 0112   26 views Reference: 167618

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Servicing: Northland

Click to get direction: 19 Kamo Road Regent Whangarei 0112

Contact Info(s):

O: 094371160

F: 094371168

Opening hours


Year est.


About Eye Specialists

Eye Specialists are an Specialist Ophthalmology Practice in Whangarei. A referral is not essential for you to be seen at Eye Specialists, and many patients are self-referred. The centre is equipped with the best diagnostic and therapeutic equipment available and has a strong reputation in Northland for personal attention and care with patients, as well as technical expertise. We place a lot of emphasis on highly accurate preoperative measurements with cataract surgery, using the IOL Master, immersion ultrasonography instruments. Corneal topography and manual keratometry are routinely performed pre-operatively. We have recently installed a new Zeiss Lumera operating microscope for enhanced operative visualisation. We use some of the best surgical instruments and equipment available including Alcon's Infiniti system for cataract surgery. Procedures/Treatments include:

- Refractive Error: Short-sightedness (myopia), Long-sightedness (hyperopia) & Astigmatism

- Cataracts

- Squints (Strabismus)

- Glaucoma

- Diabetic Retinopathy

- Retinal Detachment

- OCT (Optical Coherence Tomography) We offer Weekly Clinics in Kerikeri & Monthly Clinics in Kaitaia & Dargaville. We are an affiliated Southern Cross provider & have 4 years accreditation with Quality Health New Zealand. Please visit our website to find out more or contact us today!

What makes us different

Our clinics throughout Northland provide surgical and medical management for a large range of eye problems. We are committed to excellence and providing high quality service.

Website: http://www.eyespecialists.co.nz

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