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Express Car Cleaning NZ Professional

Sep 10th, 2022 at 04:06   Auto Services   Mangere   21 views Reference: 33032

0.0 star

Location: Mangere

Contact Info(s):

O: 0212961551

F: 0800397737

About Express Car Cleaning NZ

Express Car Cleaning come to you at your premises be it home or business, at a time that suits you. Express Car Cleaning can service all of your car cleaning requirements from a standard Express Wash to a Grand Express Clean, which includes everything.

Our goal is to always provide a value for money service which appeals to people from all walks of life. From busy families to corporate executives, our professional operators can tailor a service to suit any need. Part of that service means returning customer calls within 30 minutes, providing specialist advice and ensuring each job is done to the highest possible standard.

Customers naturally like to deal with secure companies who strive to provide excellent service. When an Express operator arrives in uniform and on time, does an excellent job and charges a fair and reasonable price, customers know they are dealing with a true professional and will continue to use the service time after time.

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