Ewan Allan Honda Professional
Sep 13th, 2022 at 21:35 Auto Services Servicing: Southland Region 23 views Reference: 214114Location: Servicing: Southland Region
Contact Info(s):
O: 032080174
F: 032080175
Opening hours
- Mon
- Tue
- Wed
- Thu
- Fri
- Sat
Products and Services
MotorcyclesRacing Bikes, Farmbikes, Scooters, Road Bikes, Dirt Bikes, Trail Bikes, Scooters
Price InformationSecond Hand
Parts4-stroke Engines, Carburettors, Belts, Fuel Injectors, Bearings, 2-stroke Engine, Batteries, 4-stroke Engines, Mufflers, Fuel Tanks, Clutches, Batteries, Seats, Spokes, Brake Pads, Bearings, 2-stroke Engine, Chains, Axles
ProductsRiding Gear, Footwear, Visors, Motorclothes, Gloves, Motorcycle Leathers, Boots, Helmets, Headwear, Clothing, Protective Clothing, Handwear
ServicesMaintenance, Workshops, Repairs, Installation, Maintenance, Repairs, Installation
MakesHonda, Honda
Year est.
Parking options
Free On-StreetAssociation
Payment options
About Ewan Allan Honda
Ewan Allan Honda is NZs leading Honda Motorcycle Company committed to servicing customers since 1983.
With an extensive range of new and used 2 & 4 wheel motorcycles, Honda parts and power equipment, also if we do not have the particular item in stock we will get it in record time at the best priceTry us first!
Our friendly sales people will make sure you find the right bike for you, and our skilled and experienced service department will keep your bike running in top condition. Our technicians are very skilled in the motorcycle industry and are able to service most makes and models.
We also specialise in insurance work for all major insurance companies and offer competitive finance and leasing options to suit your budget and needs.
For more information please visit our website or call today.
What makes us different
We are New Zealand's leading specialists in Honda motorcylces. Established in 1983, we are your trusted and experienced motorcycle dealership based in the Southland region.
Website: http://www.ewanallan.co.nz
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Ewan-Allan-Honda-336414776451542/timeline
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