Evoparts Ltd Professional
Sep 10th, 2022 at 03:01 Auto Services Servicing: Auckland Region 26 views Reference: 27125Location: Servicing: Auckland Region
Contact Info(s):
O: 033822048
F: 033822047
About Evoparts Ltd
Contact Us For Evo Parts! We dismantle Mitsubishi Lancer Evolutions! We supply road-tested, high-quality Evo parts, so that these grand machines keep performing, and competing to the best of their abilities. We are Evoparts!
We are a Christchurch owned and operated parts business, specialising in Mitsubishi Lancer Evolutions of all models. To learn more about us, please click on the above weblink to go directly to our website.
Hi, Jeremy Beaton here. With years of experience working on Evos, I can offer you practical advice for your Evo, and provide you with options for the most cost-effective methods for repairing, or preparing your car. We primarily provide good quality new and used parts for Lancer Evolutions, but also provide a wide range of genuine Mitsi new parts to suit other models as well.
Our services include Full engine builds to your specifications, clutch and brake replacements, gearbox and full drive train repairs. With a ready supply of parts on hand, nothing is really a problem to fix, and repairs can usually be sorted very promptly.
Give us a call today, or send an email for enquiries.
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