Enterprise Motor Group Ltd Professional
Sep 14th, 2022 at 04:57 Auto Services 645 Te Rapa Road Hamilton 3200 76 views Reference: 246355Location: 645 Te Rapa Road Hamilton 3200
Click to get direction: 645 Te Rapa Road Hamilton 3200
Contact Info(s):
O: 078504055
F: 0800100610
Products and Services
Price InformationBuy Sell & Trade
Service OptionsOnline Information, Visit Us Online
Payment OptionsFinancing
MakesSuzuki, Honda, Mercedes-Benz, Alfa Romeo, Volkswagen, Toyota, Mitsubishi, Hyundai, Holden, BMW, Range Rover, Nissan, Mazda, Ford, Subaru, Lexus
About Enterprise Motor Group Ltd
Used and second hand cars, 4WD, Sedans, Utes, Trucks, Sports cars, Japanese imports, Trade in, On site finance, Quality vehicles & Autosure Guarantee.
Enterprise Motor Group are staffed with helpful, friendly people who are happy to talk with you about what you need in a vehicle and how they can help you get it.
Our car finance is provided by New Zealand's friendliest finance company, Community Financial Services, and all of our decisions are made by real people, not a computer.
When you buy a used car from Enterprise you can be confident you're getting the best deal!
All of our used cars are checked, serviced and inspected, and before we list them for sale they are registered and issued a new WOF, so you won't get stung with any unexpected on-road costs.
Our exclusive four year unlimited kilometre warranty is the best value around and the ultimate peace of mind for any buyer.
See our website or call for more info.
What makes us different
The largest Used Motor Vehicle Dealer in New Zealand!
Website: https://www.enterprisecars.co.nz
automotiveWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.