Engine Rebuilders New Plymouth Professional
Sep 13th, 2022 at 23:26 Auto Services Servicing: Eltham Area, Hawera Area, New Plymouth Area, Opunake Area, Patea Area, Stratford Area, Waitara Area 22 views Reference: 224621Contact Info(s):
O: 067585263
F: 067585264
Products and Services
ServicesMachining, Repairs, Reconditioning, Grinding, Reboring, Overhauls, Honing, Engineering, Boring
PartsHeads, Cylinders, Valves, Cranks
Year est.
About Engine Rebuilders New Plymouth
Engine Rebuilders New Plymouth specialise in Engine Reconditioning including full engine reconditioning services.
Our expertise also covers Cylinder head overhauls and Precision Automotive machining on all engines, cars, trucks, tractors, machinery and marine. We can also assist with Cylinder Re-boring, honing, surface machining, crankshaft grinding, valve refacing, seat cutting, performance engine work.
We can also help with Engine parts for all makes and models - early to late.
Engine Rebuilders New Plymouth's team have many collective years of experience in things automotive so you can be sure of the best attention to your needs at all times.
Call now for more info.
What makes us different
We have a wide network of local and international suppliers and we can usually locate parts within 48 hours. We specialise in vehicles manufactured in the US, UK and NZ, but we also carry parts from European manufacturers. Contact us today for assistance.
Website: http://www.classiccomponents.co.nz
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