Ellerslie Car Fair Professional
Sep 10th, 2022 at 01:16 Auto Services Servicing: Greenlane 44 views Reference: 17788Location: Servicing: Greenlane
Contact Info(s):
O: 095292233
F: 096303003
Opening hours
- Sun
Products and Services
ModelsUte, Mondeo, Vectra
VehiclesVolkswagen, Sport, Hatchbacks, Sedans, 4WD, Utes, Vans, Ute, Cars
Vehicle Features4WD
Price InformationSecond Hand
Vehicle StyleSedans, Hatchbacks
MakesAudi, Commodore, Honda, Caldina, BMW, Camry, Nissan, Mazda, Ford, Ute, Corolla
Parking options
Free Off-StreetPayment options
About Ellerslie Car Fair
Come to Ellerslie Carfair if you are buying or selling a car.
THE AUCKLAND CARFAIR IS HELD EVERY SUNDAY including Public Holidays at Ellerslie Racecourse in Auckland from 9am to 12 noon.
When arriving at the location, sellers turn right at the roundabout and follow the signs. Sellers are welcome to arrive from 8am to get a good location.
No booking required (just turn up on the day)
Gates are open from 8am
Thousands of private buyers
$35 entry fee for Sellers - we supply 'for sale window card' and 'vehicle detail sheet' (SIN)
VIR - (Vehicle Information Report)
List your car on carfair.co.nz for free when you pay at the carfair
- VIR on site
- One of the safest ways to sell/buy your cars
- On site pre-purchase inspections
Hundreds of sellers and buyers in one place
Hundreds of privately owned cars for sale
Seven car classes:
- Under $5,000
- $5,000 - $10,000
- Over $10,000
- Classic/Sports/Performance Cars
- Trucks/Vans/Utilities/4x4s
- Campers/Caravans
Pre purchase inspection mechanics on site
Mechanical warranties
VIR - (Vehicle Information Report)
- Checks money owing
- Unlicensed, deregisterd, stolen
SIN (Supplier Information Notice)
Change of ownership terminal
Food and drink
Ample free parking
Insurance: please make your own arrangements.
All transactions, conditions, terms of the purchase, WOF and registration are between the buyer and seller.
What makes us different
If you looking to buy or sell your car come to Ellerslie Car Fair, which takes place every sunday including public holidays. You can find hundreds of privately owned cars for sale, trucks/vans/utilities/4x4s, campers/caravans, motorbikes/boats and lots more.
Website: http://www.carfair.co.nz
automotiveWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.