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EFI Glogal, a division of Sedgwick New Zealand Ltd Professional

Sep 11th, 2022 at 15:00   Professional Services   135 Oteha Valley Road Albany Auckland 0632   18 views Reference: 77976

0.0 star

Servicing: Whanganui Region, Canterbury Region, Bay Of Plenty, Timaru Oamaru Region, Marlborough Region, Northland, Nelson Region, Taranaki, Auckland Region, Waikato Region, Otago, Gisborne Region, Wellington Region, Wairarapa, Manawatu Region, Hawkes Bay

Click to get direction: 135 Oteha Valley Road Albany Auckland 0632

Contact Info(s):

O: 094784305

About EFI Glogal, a division of Sedgwick New Zealand Ltd

EFI Global, previously Thurlow Consulting, is a provider of professional civil and structural engineering services in New Zealand. Founded by Ross Thurlow in 1994, the firm works with national and international developers and local authorities across New Zealand and the Pacific Islands.
Joining forces EFI Global will allow us to expand our service offering and provide independent practical and innovative structural and engineering design solutions to central and local government, insurers, lawyers, publicly listed and private companies, and the public.
The tasks we perform range from pre-purchase due diligence reports, structural and seismic design of buildings and walls, flood reports, drainage and rainwater tanks, through to consents, design and supervision of construction projects, insurance and expert witness to court.
As a professional engineering practice, we work across the board on projects that include roading, earthworks, stormwater, wastewater and water infrastructure and municipal engineering, building and engineering consent applications, structural engineering, seismic assessments and engineering project administration.

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