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ECR Equipment Professional

Sep 12th, 2022 at 04:02   Auto Services   Servicing: Gisborne Region, Hawkes Bay   36 views Reference: 130828
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Tagline: Also known as: Eastcoast Rentals Limited

Contact Info(s):

O: 068769835

F: 068762412

Opening hours


Products and Services





Price Information

Leasing, Service Contracts, Equipment Leasing, Buy Sell & Trade, Direct Purchasing

Markets Served

Commercial, Agricultural, Industrial


Material Lifts, Forks, Pallet Forks

Payment Options


Service Options

Quotes, Mobile Service, Visit Us Online


Workshops, Repairs, Forklift Transporters, Reconditioning, Machining, Transportation, Lubrication, Inspections, Material Handling




Locally Owned & Operated, Privately Owned & Operated

Year est.


GST Number


About ECR Equipment

ECR is locally owned and operated in Hawkes Bay and offers 24 Hour Service. We have a highly dedicated and skilled team ready to support your needs. As well as selling, leasing, and rental, ECR services and repairs all brands. So if anything should go wrong, you can rely on us to get it fixed promptly.

ECR also pride themselves on delivering the best material handling products available as stockists of Nissan Forklifts, Landini and McCormick Tractors.


Benefit from the latest technology with the recent release of new model Nissans. These new models offer increased features and functions that ensure your chosen forklift will provide easy service and cleaner running. Nissan ensures improved efficiency and safety in your workplace.


Established way back in 1884, Landini is now known for its reliable and sturdily built products. The Landini brand has evolved over the years and has faced the future with great dynamism and a far-sighted outlook so as to offer concrete solutions for the farming world. With their aggressive look, modern styling and pioneering technologies, Landini tractors now excel in all power brackets, whether they are for specialistic uses in vineyards or orchards, crawler models or designed for open field work with up to 230 HP power ratings.


The McCormick brand is a true classic in the manufacture of agricultural equipment. The McCormick badge epitomised quality, craftsmanship and innovative design. Now the name that pioneered a transformation in agricultural efficiency for over a century and a half is reborn.

For unbeatable products and support, talk to Deane and the team today.

What makes us different

ECR Equipments commitment to our clients means that you wont need to look to another supplier for your tractor or material handling requirements. ECR take great pride in supplying the correct specification first time for all business needs.

With a long standing, solid reputation ECR Equipment is in the business for the long haul.

Website: http://www.ecrl.co.nz

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ECREquipment/?ref=aymt_homepage_panel&eid=ARBpRtR84q6pHr9DvhwsD7S4MsClSFQYYwdt-Hq5adWXqY9_bieZN2-jVxFVvjvpBWf8zCxG37JMjKTl

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