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Eastern Auto Electrical Professional

Sep 10th, 2022 at 01:16   Auto Services   115 Line Road Glen Innes Auckland 1072   29 views Reference: 17707
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Click to get direction: 115 Line Road Glen Innes Auckland 1072

Contact Info(s):

O: 095212080

Opening hours


Products and Services


4WD, Utes, Trailers, Light Duty Trucks, Trucks, Vans, Campers, Cars


Automotive Mechanics, Electricians


Electric Windows, Air Bags, Alternators, Batteries


No Starts, Electrical Failures, Check Engine Light

Service Options

1 Day Service, Quotes


Sound Systems, Lighting Systems, Central Locking, ABS, Electrical Systems


Rebuilding, Wiring, Charging, Inspections, Installation, Diagnostics, Computer Scanning, Tune-ups


Owner Operated

Year est.


Parking options

Free Off-Street

Payment options

Direct Credit (internet banking, phone banking)

Mailing address

PO Box 18234 Glen Innes Auckland 1743

About Eastern Auto Electrical

Welcome to Eastern Auto Electrical. For over 30 years Shane and his team have provided quality automotive electrical services to East Auckland. Shane believes that personal service and good customer relationships are as important as quality workmanship. Our services include electrical repair work for car batteries, car lights, electrical wiring, car audio repairs, electric windows, SRS airbags, alternators, central locking, ASB brakes, and starter motors. We test auto electrical problems using our electronic fuel injection scanner and repair the electrical fault. Our repair turn-around times are usually one working day We accommodate cars of all makes, models and sizes as well as tractors, boats, 4x4, Fwds, vans and light commercials. Phone or call today for a quote!

What makes us different

Eastern Auto Electrical provides high quality repairs in automotive electrics. They specialise in car batteries, car lights, electrical wiring, car audio repairs, SRS airbags, alternators, central locking, ABS brakes and starter motors. They also offer the latest electronic components, including stereo and blue tooth systems. Their expert team provide excellent and personable service catered to each customer's needs.

Website: http://www.easternautoelectrical.co.nz

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/www.easternautoelectrical.co.nz

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/eastern-auto-electric

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