East Coast Bays Towing & Salvage Professional
Sep 13th, 2022 at 01:37 Auto Services Kerikeri 37 views Reference: 178417Location: Kerikeri
Contact Info(s):
O: 094735605
F: 0274956713
Products and Services
KindsLight Duty, Heavy Duty
VehiclesTow Trucks, Light Duty Trucks
EquipmentFlatbed Trucks
ConcernsPunctures, Accidents, Breakdowns
Service OptionsOnline Information, Emergency Services
ServicesRemovals, Equipment Transport, Heavy Hauling, Jump Starts, Hauling, Recovery, Winch Outs, Vehicle Removal, Customising, Salvaging, Beach Salvage, Roadside Service, Accident Recovery
AssurancesInsured, Family Owned & Operated
About East Coast Bays Towing & Salvage
Need a reliable tow truck service? Welcome to East Coast Bays Towing & Salvage.
We are your North Shore towing operation providing fast and professional recovery services. No matter how big or small the job, we have the equipment and expertise to get it done!
For any roadside assistance situation, our trained team of drivers can handle an array of conditions and towing emergencies.
Some of our expertise includes car towing, jump starts, car body removals, towaways and much more.
Contact the helpful team at East Coast Bays Towing & Salvage today for more information.
What makes us different
We are a family run business with years of experience in providing a first class service to individuals and businesses alike. Our services are provided throughout the North Shore, Auckland, and the North Island.
Website: http://www.eastcoastbaystowing.co.nz
breakdown-towingWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.