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Dunstall's Funeral Services Ltd Professional

Sep 12th, 2022 at 18:07   Trades & Services   Office & Chapel, 19 Edwardes Street Napier   27 views Reference: 142625

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Click to get direction: Office & Chapel, 19 Edwardes Street Napier

Contact Info(s):

O: 068357196

F: 068353913

Opening hours


Products and Services


Preplanning, Funeral Planning, Embalming, Customising, Cremation, Repatriation, Burial, Green Burial, Long Distance Transportation, Ceremonies, Advice, Web Streaming, Scattering


Caskets, DVD Presentations, Brochures, Planning Kits, Eco-Coffins, Cremation Urns, Urns, Register Books, Cremation Jewellery




Embalmers, Funeral Directors

Service Options

Consultations, Online Information, Pre-arranged Plans, Visit Us Online

Year est.


Payment options

Personal Cheques
Bank Cheque
Bank Transfer

Mailing address

PO Box 1055 NAPIER 4140

About Dunstall's Funeral Services Ltd

Your goodbye plan .

Sure none of us really want to think about it, after all life is all about enjoying the moment. However, sometimes plans are important too, they help us to achieve our goals and aspirations. So why would you leave your final opportunity to say your piece, to chance? Saying goodbye is always difficult but there are so many ways of making it easier. Over time at Dunstalls weve helped hundreds of Hawkes Bay people of all ages with their last unique wishes. Often many, many years before they pass away. Sometimes its a quirky request that others would never have thought about or simply a list of your favorite music to be played on the day. After all, your loved ones want to remember you for who you really are, with a farewell that gives those left behind something to cherish. Whatever you really want, we can help make it possible simply by planning ahead. We understand that coming into see us right now might not seem to be a priority in your life but rest assured its the better option in the long run. At Dunstalls were a friendly bunch who genuinely welcome anyone who walks through our door but hey, give us a call first and well make sure theres someone here to chat with you. Then you can get on with enjoying life.

What makes us different

At Dunstalls we believe that no two farewells are the same. Because our family has been caring for yours for over 100 years its not surprising that we are aware that no two expressions of grief are the same.

Being Napiers longest established funeral home, we pride ourselves on providing a service that is tailored specifically to your individual needs. Dunstalls Funeral Services was established in 1900 by local cabinet maker Walter Dunstall and continues today with Katherine, the fourth generation of the Dunstall family working in the funeral business. Our family has been an integral part of Napier life for over 100 years and we aim to continue to provide an individual service to the members of our community for many years to come. While much has changed in the funeral industry since Walter began, we still maintain his legacy of respect and care of the families within the community we look after.

Website: http://www.dunstalls.co.nz

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Dunstalls-Funeral-Services-Ltd-170072553080739/

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/paul-dunstall-62a6aa49

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