Dunedin Isuzu Professional
Sep 13th, 2022 at 03:12 Auto Services 345-347 Hillside Road South Dunedin Dunedin 9012 25 views Reference: 186958Click to get direction: 345-347 Hillside Road South Dunedin Dunedin 9012
Contact Info(s):
O: 034552477
F: 0800887387
About Dunedin Isuzu
Mike from Dunedin Isuzu has over 20 years in the motoring industry, his team pride themselves in their motoring excellence and combined experience of over 30 years.
We are extremely proud of the huge depth of knowledge we've developed in this industry over the years and the benefit this brings in helping all our clients choose the right car to match your motoring needs.
For all your Isuzu inquiries whether it be parts, service or time to upgrade, please call us here at Dunedin Isuzu to arrange. We are looking forward to helping you with your next Isuzu purchase.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mikescarsdunedin
Twitter: https://twitter.com/mikescars
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