Dunedin City Motors Professional
Sep 13th, 2022 at 03:07 Auto Services Dunedin 28 views Reference: 186494Location: Dunedin
Contact Info(s):
O: 034664060
F: 034551085
About Dunedin City Motors
Are you looking for Automotive Repairs in Otago? Dunedin City Motors service this area, and have been around since 2013. Get in touch today!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dunedincitymotors/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DCFordMazda
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Seller Information
Dunedin City Motors
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About Seller
Dunedin City Ford is a dealer of New and Used Ford cars. Established in 1923, we are Otago and Dunedin's only authorised Ford New and Used Car Dealer.
Discover the great value of purchasing your next New or Used Motor Car from Dunedin City Motors. We stock a great range of Ford Falcon XR6 and XR8 sedan and Ford Falcon XR6 and XR8 Utes, Ford Territory, Ford Ranger trucks, Ford Fiesta, Ford Focus, Ford Mondeo, Ford Escape, and Ford Transit and more New and Used cars.
Dunedin City Ford can arrange delivery throughout New Zealand and aims to provide a hassle free vehicle buying experience. If you are looking for parts, look no further. We are the agents for Ford and Mazda in the greater Dunedin/Otago area and can find the part you need. We also have great range of accessories to choose from.
We also offer full service with the latest in vehicle servicing and repair technology to insure we get your car serviced quickly and easily. We have loan cars available upon request (a fee may apply).
Drop by to see our range of New and Used Ford cars!