Driving School Lynn Holland Professional
Sep 10th, 2022 at 02:59 Auto Services 5 Kellett Road Ranui Auckland 0612 22 views Reference: 26923Location: 5 Kellett Road Ranui Auckland 0612
Servicing: Auckland City, North Shore, West Auckland
Tagline: Also known as: Lynn Holland Driving School
Click to get direction: 5 Kellett Road Ranui Auckland 0612
Contact Info(s):
O: 021772222
Opening hours
- Mon
- Tue
- Wed
- Thu
- Fri
- Sat
Products and Services
AssociationsLand Transport Safety Authority
ClassesHeavy Traffic Driving, Heavy Traffic, Refresher Classes, Overseas Licence Conversions, Precision Driving, Manual Handling, Defensive Driving, Safety Driving, Motorway Driving
ServingYouth, Adults, International Students
FeaturesDual Controls, Automatic Transmissions, Manual Transmissions
Credentials GrantedDrivers Licences, Learner's Licence
LevelsIntermediate, Beginner, Advanced
ConcernsNervous Students
Service OptionsConsultations, Transportation Provided, Driving Instructor, Visit Us Online
ServicesTraining, Assessments, Driving Lessons, Private Lessons, Risk Assessments, Exam Preparation
AssurancesLocally Owned & Operated, Certified, Independently Owned & Operated, Owner Operated, Licensed
Year est.
Payment options
About Driving School Lynn Holland
Learning to drive in Auckland can be challenging. Booking professional driving lessons can speed up the process and smooth the way. Lynn Holland is a fully qualified, experienced NZTA driving instructor who provides personalized lessons throughout Auckland, focusing in Central, West and East Auckland. AA trained and certified Lynn teaches defensive driving skills in both auto and manual cars. Students can chose to learn in Lynn's 2016 Toyota Corolla with dual controls, or she can teach in the student's own car. Lynn also provides mock tests for students at the VTNZ New Lynn, Westgate, Glen Innes and Sylvia Park test areas. The cost of each lesson is $80 per hour and payment can be made on the day via cash or internet banking. A discounted rate for pre-payment of 5 hours is $380. Appointments are available from Monday to Saturday. Please visit Lynn's website to learn more about her driving services, and email, call or text to book your lesson today.
What makes us different
Lynn provides personalised driving lessons and will adapt your training to fit your needs.
Lynn works with drivers of all levels and ages, from beginner to advanced, offering friendly, efficient services including:
- Beginner lessons
- Restricted/Full Licence Training
- Motorway Driving
- Defensive Driving
- Overseas Student Training
- Risk Assessment/ Refresher skills
Website: http://www.lynndholland.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DrivingSchoolLynnHolland
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/pub/lynn-holland/9b/944/968
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