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Driver Training NZ Ltd Professional

Sep 11th, 2022 at 00:01   Auto Services   70 Courtney Road Parkvale Tauranga 3112   20 views Reference: 74084
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Servicing: Bay Of Plenty

Click to get direction: 70 Courtney Road Parkvale Tauranga 3112

Contact Info(s):

O: 0800571229

F: 075712269

Opening hours


Products and Services


Defensive Driving, Safety Driving, Heavy Traffic Driving


All Ages

Credentials Granted

Learner's Licence, Drivers Licences, Licence, Drivers Licences


Trucks, Forklifts, Cars, Heavy Trucks, Trailers, Trucks, Motorcycles, Buses


Nervous Students


Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced


Overseas Licence Conversions, Training, Testing, Licencing, Driver Education, To Customer Requirements, Training, Testing, Private Lessons, Assessments, Licencing, Education, Endorsements, Driving Tests, Advice

Year est.


Mailing address

PO Box 9011 Greerton Tauranga 3142

About Driver Training NZ Ltd

Our professional team at Driver Training NZ Ltd are the instructors you need when it comes to training for truck licenses, bus licences and forklift licences throughout Tauranga and the wider Bay Of Plenty region.

Driver Training NZ was established in 1997 to provide people of all ages, abilities, and experiences the opportunity to gain their truck licences as part of their professional development. With years of experience tutoring individuals to become safer and more confident drivers, our instructors have established a reputation for the friendly, relaxed and enjoyable environment they create for all students to learn. To ensure you receive efficient and effective training we operate in small groups, often moving into one-on-one training.

We are proud to offer a range of qualifications including:

  • Class 2, 4 and 5 truck licences
  • Machinery endorsements for wheels, tracks and rollers
  • Forklift
  • Dangerous goods
  • Passenger endorsements
  • Vehicle recovery endorsements
  • Earth moving machinery qualifications

Excellent driving instruction and tuition

Contact our friendly team today with any enquiries; you can also visit our website for more information!

What makes us different

We are your driver training and licensing specialists. We offer a comprehensive range of driver licensing courses in trucks, earth moving machinery, buses and forklifts. Get in touch with us today for more information.

Website: http://www.tdlnz.com

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