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Discount Towing Company Professional

Sep 11th, 2022 at 20:55   Auto Services   217 West Tamaki Road Glen Innes Auckland   17 views Reference: 106546
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Click to get direction: 217 West Tamaki Road Glen Innes Auckland

Contact Info(s):

O: 021447170

F: 092768183

Products and Services


Light Duty


4WD, Trucks, Vans, Cars

Vehicle Features





Car Accidents, Punctures, Flat Tyres, Accidents, Breakdowns, Dead Batteries


Removals, Salvaging, Abandoned Vehicle Removal, Beach Salvage, Transportation, Accident Recovery


Family Owned & Operated

Year est.


About Discount Towing Company

Our Name Says It All! We offer Breakdown and Towing services at prices that will seem discounted. We still offer prompt service for towing for accidents, breakdowns and salvage - 7 Days a week. And that includes Lowered cars too. We will pay cash for unwanted cars, vans, light trucks, 4x4 in any condition.

Hi, Roshuan Zamani here. Whether your vehicle has broken down or is no longer road worthy, we can transport it from one location to another for you. We'll provide a rapid response to your need to provide assistance. With experienced, friendly and helpful drivers to assist, your car is in safe hands with Discount Towing Company.

For a discount quote anywhere in Auckland that can't be beaten, just call us Free!

What makes us different

With over eleven years of experience in the vehicle removal business, there simply isn't a better towing company in town. The Discount Towing Company is at your disposal seven days a week from 7am until 8pm. If you need a tow, just call on our team and we'll be at your side in no time. For more information, simply contact the Discount Towing Company today.

Website: http://www.discounttowing.co.nz

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