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Diogo Freire PT Professional

Sep 14th, 2022 at 02:16   Health & Beauty   Servicing: Lower Hutt City, Upper Hutt City, Wellington City   30 views Reference: 233733

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Contact Info(s):

O: 0211401055

About Diogo Freire PT

Im a personal trainer, and I love helping people kick butt with their fitness goals. I'm based in Lower Hutt, and I provide in-person coach at our gym or in your house and remote via video calls.

I'm passionate about people improving their health! Sometimes it can be hard to start exercising because you feel unfit, and my main focus is to help people build some strength and improve their everyday lives by using exercises and combinations that help their daily activities.

I won't just throw a whole bunch of random stuff for "a workout" - I work on creating sessions that work towards what you want to improve and to create the habit where exercise is something you get addicted to.

Feel free to contact me so we can discuss your goals and preferences, and also for a free trial session so you can get to know my style.


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