Diamond Car NZ Professional
Sep 11th, 2022 at 21:05 Auto Services Unit C, 10 Mana Place Wiri Auckland 2104 21 views Reference: 107092Location: Unit C, 10 Mana Place Wiri Auckland 2104
Servicing: Auckland Region
Click to get direction: Unit C, 10 Mana Place Wiri Auckland 2104
Contact Info(s):
O: 092622199
F: 0211584474
About Diamond Car NZ
Diamond Car NZ is a locally owned and operated company providing excellent hand car wash services which deliver the best outcome at affordable prices.
We provide everything from an interior and exterior wash to a complete detail of your car, as well as customized services to meet your needs. We also offer mobile car wash for stores and car dealers in Auckland.
We make sure that your car receives a superior hand wash and we use the highest grade of soaps, micro-fiber hand washing mitts and drying towels and proper hand wash techniques.
Some of our services incldue:
- Full wash and polish
- Complete dry
- Protective tyre treatments
- Bug removal
- Full vacuum including boot
- Interior fragrance on request
- Clean dash and console
- Wash and dry floor mates
- Protective bumpers and mirrors treatment
- Leather seats clean and conditioner
- Headlight polish
We offer different affordable packages for you to choose from.
We want to be your ongoing source.
To find out more bout our services and for queries, please visit our website or call us today.
car-valet-servicesWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.