Designer Dentures Limited Professional
Sep 12th, 2022 at 21:14 Medical & Emergency Nelson 25 views Reference: 155421Location: Nelson
Contact Info(s):
O: 092772049
F: 0800866849
About Designer Dentures Limited
Restore your smile with Designer Dentures today!
We create full arch and partial dentures that are custom created to match the shape of your mouth perfectly. We work closely with you to select the design and look you want, ensuring your dentures look great and feel totally comfortable.
Our services also include Upper and lower dentures, the creation of custom mouthguards and baby sculptures. Immortalise your baby's feet and hands with our little plaster images. Select from matte white, silver, gold, blue or blue colours and enjoy incredible cuteness for years to come.
We are WINZ registered, and accept both Q card and Farmers Card as well as general payment options.
Appointments are available 6 days a week. Please visit our website for more information, then call or email to speak with us today.
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