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Dent Devils Paintless Dent Removal Professional

Sep 11th, 2022 at 21:03   Auto Services   Servicing: Auckland Region   15 views Reference: 106992
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Click to get direction: Servicing: Auckland Region

Contact Info(s):

O: 0800003368[080000DENT]

F: 021748646

Opening hours


Products and Services


Cars, Motorcycles

Price Information

Free Repair Estimates, Free Quotes


Hail Damage, Dents

Service Options

Mobile Service


Panel Repairs, Vehicle body repairs, Paintless Dent Repair


Guaranteed, Locally Owned & Operated

Year est.


Parking options

Free Off-Street


Collision Repair Association
Collision Repair Association

Payment options

Direct Credit (internet banking, phone banking)
Personal Cheques

Mailing address

PO Box 281025 Maraetai Beach Auckland 2148

About Dent Devils Paintless Dent Removal

Are you looking for professional and experienced dent removal specialists in Auckland?

Save a fortune in panel & paint repairs with paintless dent removal. We'll even come to you at home or work.

What is Paintless Dent Removal (PDR)? PDR is a process that enables our Dent Devils technicians to remove dents, dings, creases and other body damage without the use of paint and body fillers traditionally used by body shops for vehicle repair. This process allows us to restore your vehicle to its original condition..

What we do... Dent Devils provide a professional, reliable, cost-effective PDR service. With a mobile service Auckland wide - we're only a phone call away!
We offer economical, fast and eco-conscious dent removals, SAVING YOU TIME & MONEY whilst adding VALUE to your vehicle. Our aim - a fast, efficient, quality result within the customer's deadline.

Try our handy Quick Quote...

  • Take 3 photos of the dent and email them to [email protected].
  • Take one picture of the whole panel straight on, plus two angle shots from either end of the damaged panel.

Sending us pictures of your dent will help Dent Devils assess the dent for repair. After viewing the photos we will contact you with a cost estimate.

With our extensive experience in PDR, there isn't much we haven't seen. If Dent Devils are unable to repair your vehicle, then it's not feasible! We will happily suggest more traditional repair options.

Dent Devils Guarantee - Premium service, cost effective rates, 100% customer satisfaction!

Visit our website, send us a Quick Quote or just give us a call today!

What makes us different

Our point of difference over other PDR companies is our experience and ability to remove complex dents. Often difficult to reach or time consuming, customers are lead to believe there are no other options but a costly, traditional panel repair.

Dent Devils push the boundaries of PDR and see such dents as a challenge and the opportunity to demonstrate our PDR capabilities.

Website: https://www.dentdevils.co.nz

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DentDevilsNZ/

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/DentDevilsNZ

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