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Delta Professional

Sep 13th, 2022 at 05:02   Home Services   Servicing: Alexandra Area, Cromwell Area, Dunedin, Lawrence Area, Milton Area, Palmerston Area, Queenstown Area, Ranfurly Area, Wanaka Area   33 views Reference: 195276
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Contact Info(s):

O: 0800433582

F: 034796694

About Delta

Delta is the infrastructure specialist. We invest in, design, construct, manage and maintain energy and environmental infrastructure. Every day we make a difference in the lives of New Zealanders by providing essential services.

Delta provides services in electricity generation, transmission and distribution, and to industrial, commercial and residential electricity users, plus. We offer electricity asset management, distribution network operation, maintenance and construction, electricity revenue metering, meter testing services, electrical technician services, electrical inspections. Delta installs fibre-optic connections and networks.

Delta provides a range of vegetation control, specialist turf, horticultural, landscaping and gardening services including tree trimming, relocation and removal, bedding plant displays, grass and road verge mowing, vegetation control, noxious plant eradication and weed spraying, paving, paths and retaining walls.

Delta's solid waste management services include landfill and transfer station management, kerbside collection of rubbish and recycling, green waste and hazardous waste management.

For more information, please visit our website or give us a call.

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/delta

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