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Davis Ogilvie & Partners Ltd Professional

Sep 11th, 2022 at 19:37   Professional Services   24 Moorhouse Avenue Addington Christchurch 8011   39 views Reference: 98756
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Tagline: Also known as: Davis Ogilvie (Aoraki) Ltd

Click to get direction: 24 Moorhouse Avenue Addington Christchurch 8011

Contact Info(s):

O: 033661653

F: 033792348

Opening hours


Products and Services


New Zealand Institute of Surveyors


Locally Owned & Operated, Locally Owned & Operated, Over 50 Years Experience, Locally Owned & Operated


Building Location Certificates


Environmental, Land Title Surveys, Civil, Geotechnical, Structural, Survey


Slopes, Foundations, Wells, Retaining Walls, Foundations, Subdivisions, Right-of-ways, Roads, Roadways


Location Certificates, Pegging Certificates, Resource Consents


Structural Engineers, Land Development Engineers, Civil Engineers, Geotechnical Engineers, Environmental Engineers, Surveyors, Land Surveyors, Land Development Engineers, Civil Engineers, Engineers, City & Town Planner, Environmental Engineers, Surveyors, Land Surveyors, Geologists

Markets Served

Commercial, Industrial, Residential, Rural, Commercial, Industrial, Residential, Commercial, Industrial, Residential, Commercial, Industrial, Residential, Commercial, Residential




Earthquakes, Slope Stability, Groundwater, Earthquakes, Unit Titles, Building Setouts, Boundary Disputes, Easement Disputes, Boundaries, Groundwater Contamination, Compliance, Surface Water Contamination, Earthquakes, Slope Stability, Land Stability, Drainage, Contamination, Boundary Disputes

Service Options

Visit Us Online, Visit Us Online


Design, Core Drilling, Monitoring, Ground Improvement, Inspections, Assessments, Soil Testing, Environmental Investigations, Expert Witnesses, Consulting, Environmental Assessments, Resource Consent Compliance, Surveying, Zoning, Planning, Environmental Assessments, Reporting, Development, Advice, Monitoring, Assessments, Impact Studies, Surveying, Expert Witnesses, Consulting, Engineering, GPS Surveys, Land Development, Building Development, Boundary Marking, Land Title Surveys, Cadastral Mapping, Subdividing, Civil Engineering, Level Surveys, Design, CAD, Inspections, Investigations, Damage Assessments, Site Assessments, Consulting, Design, Construction Supervision, Environmental Assessments, CAD, Development, Reports, Inspections, Construction, Land Development, Soil Testing, Environmental Investigations, Surveying, Customising, Planning, Environmental Consulting, Site Assessments

Price Information

Free Estimates


Chartered Professional Engineer


Retaining Walls, Foundations, Retaining Walls


Multi-lot Subdivisions, Subdivisions, Office Buildings, Multi-lot Subdivisions, Warehouses, Housing, Offices, Subdivisions, Multi-lot Subdivisions, Subdivisions, High End Residences, Factories, Warehouses, Extensions, Houses, Offices, Subdivisions

Year est.


Parking options

Free Off-Street


Association of Consulting Engineers NZ Inc (ACENZ)
Association of Consulting Engineers NZ Inc (ACENZ)
Institute of Directors in NZ
Institute of Directors in NZ
Engineering New Zealand (IPENZ)
Engineering New Zealand (IPENZ)
Site Safe NZ
Site Safe NZ
Canterbury Chamber of Commerce
Canterbury Chamber of Commerce

Payment options

Personal Cheques
Direct Credit (internet banking, phone banking)

Mailing address

PO Box 589 Christchurch 8011

About Davis Ogilvie & Partners Ltd

Davis Ogilvie is an established development consultancy which originated in Christchurch in 1932 and now operates throughout the South Island.

Davis Ogilvie provides a complete range of multi-disciplinary engineering, surveying and development planning services within one company. By covering structural, civil and geotechnical engineering, land surveying, resource management and environmental science we are able to simplify construction, design and development using collaborative processes to create better solutions for our clients.

We have teams in Christchurch, Nelson, Greymouth and Timaru experienced in sustainable land and property development. Not only will their expertise add value to your project, you will also benefit from our enduring relationships with other professional consultancies throughout the South Island.

Civil Engineering is the science of designing and constructing infrastructure for communities. Our civil engineers are renowned problem-solvers and experts in design, contract administration and construction supervision.

Civil Engineering Services include:
- Roading, right of way and car park design
- Sewer reticulation, including gravity and pumped systems
- Hydraulic modeling of sewer, storm water and high pressure water networks
- Earthworks design, supervision and testing
- Storm water network design including detention basins, treatment systems and pump stations
- High pressure water reticulation and networks design and supervision
- Arranging power, telecommunication and landscaping services
- Contract administration including the preparation of tender documents, specifications and schedules
- Construction supervision and management

Structural Engineering
Our structural engineers are experienced in a wide range of projects, often working hands-on with other professionals and are able to assist with projects ranging from a single beam to high-end residential houses, commercial DEE's to new build office structures.

Structural Engineering Services provided include:
- Design of timber, cross laminated timber (CLT), steel, masonry and concrete structures.
- Design of foundation systems for TC1, TC2, TC3 and mass movement sites.
- Design of commercial and industrial buildings, including portal frame and tilt panel construction.
- Design of structural members within architectural houses on flat and sloping sites.
- Insurance and purchasers reports to confirm the structural condition of residential, commercial and industrial buildings.
- Initial and Detailed Seismic Assessments (ISA or DSA) to determine the percentage of new building standard (%NBS).
- Design of structural strengthening of buildings.
- Damage reports and remedial works design for domestic, commercial and industry buildings.
- Design of retaining wall structures.
- Construction monitoring and project management.

Geotechnical Engineering
Geotechnical Engineers analyse sites to ensure that all hazards are appropriately identified and managed, ensuring that the client's objectives are met.

Geological conditions are identified and examined, and solutions are written into plans before work begins. During this process complex information is concisely detailed to ensure all parties understand potential hazards and the extent of necessary solutions.

The DO geotechnical engineering team is experienced in the following areas:
- Geomorphological mapping
- Geotechnical investigations, including CPT, bore holes and SPTs, and the associated soil analysis
- Liquefaction and lateral spreading assessments
- Detailed assessment for TC1, TC2, TC3 and hillside sites
- Earth dam and irrigation system design
- Slope stability analysis
- Rockfall protection systems
- Rock and earth anchor design
- Foundation design for residential and commercial projects

What makes us different

We have teams in Christchurch, Nelson, Greymouth and Timaru experienced in sustainable land and property development. Not only will their expertise add value to your project, you will also benefit from our enduring relationships with other professional consultancies throughout the South Island.

Davis Ogilvie (DO) provides a complete range of multi-disciplinary engineering, surveying and development planning services within one company.

Davis Ogilvie is committed to sustainable development, and appropriate resource management. The team are founding members of the Ministry of Environments Urban Design Protocol. We also maintain affiliations with the New Zealand Green Building Council, Sustainability Society, and others; and continue to push for more efficient land development, high water quality and low impact design solutions on a number of large scale projects.

Davis Ogilvie is a carboNZero accredited company, and supports the local environment by purchasing carbon credits in the Hinewai Reserve on Banks Peninsula.

Website: https://do.co.nz

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/davisogilvienz/

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/davis-ogilvie-and-partners-ltd/

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