Davis Ogilvie & Partners Ltd Professional
Sep 12th, 2022 at 21:03 Professional Services Nelson 32 views Reference: 154383Location: Nelson
Tagline: Also known as: Davis Ogilvie (Aoraki) Ltd
Contact Info(s):
O: 035484425
F: 035468420
Opening hours
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Products and Services
KindsEnvironmental, Land Title Surveys, Civil, Geotechnical, Survey
TradesLand Development Engineers, Civil Engineers, Engineers, City & Town Planner, Environmental Engineers, Surveyors, Land Surveyors
ServicesEnvironmental Assessments, Resource Consent Compliance, Surveying, Zoning, Planning, Construction Supervision, CAD, Reports, Inspections, Soil Testing, Site Assessments
ConcernsSlope Stability, Earthquakes, Land Stability, Boundary Disputes
Service OptionsVisit Us Online
Markets ServedCommercial, Industrial, Residential, Commercial, Residential
CredentialsChartered Professional Engineer
AssurancesLocally Owned & Operated
PropertiesMulti-lot Subdivisions, Subdivisions, Housing, Subdivisions
Year est.
Parking options
Pay & DisplayAssociation
Payment options
About Davis Ogilvie & Partners Ltd
Today Davis Ogilvie (DO) provides a complete range of multi-disciplinary engineering, surveying and development planning services within one company. By covering structural, civil and geotechnical engineering, land surveying, resource management and policy planning we are able to simplify construction, design and development using collaborative processes to create better solutions and environments.
We have teams in Christchurch, Nelson, Greymouth and Timaru experienced in sustainable land and property development. Not only will their expertise add value to your project, you will also benefit from our enduring relationships with other professional consultancies throughout the South Island.
Civil Engineering
Civil Engineering is the science of designing and constructing infrastructure for communities. Our civil engineers are renowned problem-solvers and experts in design, contract administration and construction supervision.
Civil Engineering Services include:
- Roading, right of way, and car park design, including pavement Design
- Design of sewer reticulation, including gravity and pressurised systems
- Investigation and design of onsite wastewater treatment systems
- Hydraulic modelling of sewer, storm water, and high pressure water networks
- Stormwater network design, including detention basins, treatment systems and pump stations
- Earthworks design, supervision and testing
- High pressure water reticulation, network design and supervision
- Coordinating power, telecommunication and landscaping services
- Construction management, contract
- Preparation and development management
Structural Engineering
Our structural engineers are experienced in a wide range of projects, often working hands-on with other professionals and are able to assist with projects ranging from a single beam to high-end residential houses, commercial DEE's to new build office structures.
Structural Engineering Services provided include:
- Design of timber, steel and concrete structures
- Design of foundation systems - including TC1, 2 and 3 and mass movement sites
- Design of commercial and industrial buildings, including portal frame and tilt panel construction
- Insurance and purchasers reports to confirm the structural condition of residential and commercial properties
- Commercial property (IEP/DEE) assessments to determine seismic strength
- Damage reports and remedial works design for domestic and commercial structures
- Design of retaining wall structures
- Construction monitoring and project management of structural works
Geotechnical Engineering
Geotechnical Engineers analyse sites to ensure that all hazards are appropriately identified and managed, ensuring that the client's objectives are met.
Geological conditions are identified and examined, and solutions are written into plans before work begins. During this process complex information is concisely detailed to ensure all parties understand potential hazards and the extent of necessary solutions.
The DO geotechnical engineering team is experienced in the following areas:
- Geological mapping
- Geotechnical site investigation for residential and commercial developments
- Assessment of TC1, TC2 and TC3 residential sites
- Deep ground investigation including analysis of cone penetration tests, standard penetration tests and borehole data
- Liquefaction and lateral spread risk assessments
- Slope stability analysis
- Earth dam and irrigation design
- Foundation design and recommendation for residential and commercial properties
- Mine stability assessments
- Infiltration and waste water
What makes us different
We have teams in Christchurch, Nelson, Greymouth and Timaru experienced in sustainable land and property development. Not only will their expertise add value to your project, you will also benefit from our enduring relationships with other professional consultancies throughout the South Island.
Davis Ogilvie (DO) provides a complete range of multi-disciplinary engineering, surveying and development planning services within one company.
Davis Ogilvie is committed to sustainable development, and appropriate resource management. The team are founding members of the Ministry of Environments Urban Design Protocol. We also maintain affiliations with the New Zealand Green Building Council, Sustainability Society, and others; and continue to push for more efficient land development, high water quality and low impact design solutions on a number of large scale projects.
Davis Ogilvie is a carboNZero accredited company, and supports the local environment by purchasing carbon credits in the Hinewai Reserve on Banks Peninsula.
Website: https://do.co.nz
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/davisogilvienz/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/davis-ogilvie-and-partners-ltd/
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