Dave's Discount Towing Professional
Sep 12th, 2022 at 01:07 Auto Services 84 De Lautour Road Inner Kaiti Gisborne 4010 23 views Reference: 125411Servicing: Gisborne Region
Click to get direction: 84 De Lautour Road Inner Kaiti Gisborne 4010
Contact Info(s):
O: 0273616874
About Dave's Discount Towing
Are you looking for reliable and professional towing services in the Gisborne region?
Welcome to Dave's Discount Towing where we are the experts in towing services around Gisborne.
Whether you need us for Breakdowns, Accidents or Transportation - we will be there to assist you.
Dave's Discount Towing provide affordable towing backed by professional, honest and prompt service.
We also conveniently provide a 24 hour service and can transport cars, utes and vans safely for you.
Simply call Dave's Discount Towing today for more information about our services.
breakdown-towingWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.
Seller Information
Dave's Discount Towing
Total Listing
About Seller
Are you looking for reliable and professional towing services in the Gisborne region?
Welcome to Dave's Discount Towing where we are the experts in towing services around Gisborne.
Whether you need us for Breakdowns, Accidents or Transportation - we will be there to assist you.
Dave's Discount Towing provide affordable towing backed by professional, honest and prompt service.
We also conveniently provide a 24 hour service and can transport cars, utes and vans safely for you.
Simply call Dave's Discount Towing today for more information about our services.