Davenports Law Professional
Sep 10th, 2022 at 01:08 Professional Services Servicing: Albany 34 views Reference: 16984Location: Servicing: Albany
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Contact Info(s):
O: 099154380
F: 099154389
About Davenports Law
Davenports Law is a law firm dedicated to providing professional, crafted legal advice, for peace of mind.
Their focus is on the individual needs of every client by consistently providing innovative and practical business-minded solutions, presented in a down to earth and common-sense manner, resulting in successful outcomes.
Davenports law Specialises in Trust Law, Commercial Law, Property Law and Employment Law.
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About Seller
Davenports Law is a law firm dedicated to providing professional, crafted legal advice, for peace of mind.
Their focus is on the individual needs of every client by consistently providing innovative and practical business-minded solutions, presented in a down to earth and common-sense manner, resulting in successful outcomes.
Davenports law Specialises in Trust Law, Commercial Law, Property Law and Employment Law.