Dave Tunley Wheel Alignment Professional
Sep 12th, 2022 at 22:41 Auto Services 298 Taranaki Street Wellington Central Wellington 27 views Reference: 162062Click to get direction: 298 Taranaki Street Wellington Central Wellington
Contact Info(s):
O: 043851488
F: 043851484
Products and Services
KindsPerformance Tyres, Off-road Tyres, Rubber Tracks, Retreads, Racing Tires, Snow Tyres, All Season Tyres, Slick Tread, Radials
Vehicles4WD, Trucks, Vans, Cars
ServicesBalancing, Retreads, Wheel Balancing, Tyre Rotation
PartsFilters, Air Brakes, Air Hoses, Air Filters, Gas Shocks, Fittings, Batteries, Tyres, Performance Tyres, Shocks & Struts, Retreads
ProductsTyre Sealants, Locknuts, Jockey Wheels, Tyre Covers, Tyre Additives, Nuts, Wheels, Lock Nuts, Mag Wheels
Markets ServedCommercial, Residential
Year est.
About Dave Tunley Wheel Alignment
Dave Tunley Wheel Alignment is Your one stop shop for all automotive repairs and servicing. We are your "Independent" Tyre and Alignment Specialists.
We specialise in offering:
- All Leading Brands
- Independent Tyre and Wheel Alignment Specialists
- Full Mechanical repairs
We carry all "Leading Brands" and with a Professional and Experienced team we should be your first choice dealer!
For more information and for queries, please give us a call today.
What makes us different
We are Automotive Repairs experts who specialise in tyres and wheel alignment. We are aware just how essential tyres are to ease of car operation, performance, and safety. We offer a wide range of services including balancing, installations, adjustments and alignments.
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