Cylinder Head Specialists Professional
Sep 11th, 2022 at 20:38 Auto Services Servicing: Amberley Area, Ashburton Area, Cheviot Area, Christchurch, Culverden Area, Darfield Area, Kaikoura Area, Rangiora Area 15 views Reference: 104780Contact Info(s):
O: 033661729
Opening hours
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Products and Services
ServicesWelding, Grinding, Reboring, Line Boring, Engineering, Diagnostics, Reconditioning, Design, Machining, Customising, Repairs, Welding, Testing, Surface Grinding, Grinding, Reboring, Preventative Maintenance, Engineering, Cleaning, Boring, Reconditioning, Assembly, Machining, Repairs, Honing, Tuning, Modifications, Custom Work, Repairs
Vehicle TypeImports
SourceDiesel, Petrol
VehiclesMotorcycles, Watercraft, Cars, Cars
Markets ServedCommercial, Industrial
PartsEngines, Clutches, Chassis, Brakes, Camshafts, Gaskets, Heads, Valves
Service OptionsVisit Us Online
SystemsExhaust Systems
Price InformationBuy Sell & Trade, Direct Purchasing, Contract Rates
Year est.
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About Cylinder Head Specialists
Cylinder Head Specialists offers an extensive range of race engine components! We build & design high performance racing heads for all applications.
We have the expertise to offer a simple cylinder head reconditioning service through to building & modifying serious race cylinder heads or even total engine building. Our workshop has state of art machining facilities including the latest computer controlled machinery.
Our services include:
- Chemical Cleaning
- Magnaflux Crack Testing
- Pressure Testing
- Surface Grinding
- Valve Guide Reconditioning
- Valve & Seat Machining
- Flow & Valve Spring Testing
- Porting
- CCing
- Computerised Engine Dyno
- Engine R & D Programs
- Tig Welding
- Much More
We also supply parts that are imported from well-known manufacturers.
Call now to discuss your requirements!
What makes us different
We are the specialists in cylinder heads and engine reconditioning. We stock a large assortment of race engine parts, as well as building/designing versatile racing heads for top performance. Our facility is up-to-date technologically, with computer controlled dyno and flow bench technology.
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