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CST Water Professional

Sep 14th, 2022 at 17:07   Industry & Manufacturing   46 Matos Segedin Drive Leamington Cambridge 3495   71 views Reference: 255167

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Servicing: Cambridge Area, Hamilton, Matamata Area, Morrinsville Area, Otorohanga Area, Te Awamutu Area

Tagline: Also known as: CST Group Ltd

Click to get direction: 46 Matos Segedin Drive Leamington Cambridge 3495

Contact Info(s):

O: 0800237465

F: 078236351

Opening hours


Products and Services


Drinking, Spring


Swimming Pools


Water, Water Tanks


Water Tanks, Tanks

Service Options

Same Day Service, Mobile Service


Maintenance, Cartage, Cleaning, Transportation

Markets Served

Residential, Educational, Agricultural, Industrial, Commercial


Locally Owned & Operated

Year est.


GST Number


About CST Water

CST Water (Formerly Waikato Water & Cartage) are a family owned and operated company based in Cambridge, servicing the Waikato region.

We provide water delivery services throughout the Waikato region, including water tank refills, swimming pool filling, water tank cleaning and water tank hire.

We are able to deliver 6000 and 13000 litres in a load, and 23000 litres by truck and trailer if the property access allows.

Our potable water is all taken from designated council fill points and is safe to drink. Our trucks are all highly maintained to ensure your water delivery is of the highest standard.

Contact us for all your water delivery needs!

What makes us different

We can help you with servicing and cleaning your septic tank to prevent blockages and leaks. This will save you money that having to repair blocked drains and replace disposal fields. Our highly experienced team of professional technicians are well trained to handle a wide range of waste disposal and septic tank services.

Website: https://www.cstgroup.co.nz

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CambridgeSepticTankServices/

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