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Crombie Lockwood - Nelson Professional

Sep 12th, 2022 at 20:52   Professional Services   14 Oxford Street Richmond Nelson 7020   22 views Reference: 153261
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Servicing: Nelson

Click to get direction: 14 Oxford Street Richmond Nelson 7020

Contact Info(s):

O: 035439021

F: 035488140

About Crombie Lockwood - Nelson

With over 30-years in Risk Insurance & Financial Services, Crombie Lockwood now works with over 30,000 small to medium business in New Zealand. Naturally, you get insurance to to ensure that you financially survive any insurable event. We ignore our industryas blinkers. Our definition of ainsurable eventa encompasses: Fire - Flood - Earthquake - Other Perils - Liability - Death - Disablement - Illness - Risk and Compliance.

Any only by considering every aspect of every event can we promise to ensure your financial survival.

Commercial Vehicle, Travel, ACC, Income, Loan, Mortgage Protection, Term Life, Medical & Health

Business & Professional Services
Crombie Lockwood has formal relationships with both the legal and accounting professions as well as a number of other service sectors. As a business service in our own right we appreciate the value of precise insurance protection and after 30 years have demonstrated our capability throughout the country.

Construction & Trades
Crombie Lockwood has New Zealand's best proven track record for servicing the insurance needs of trade operators and the wider construction industry. As well as formal relationships with a number of national organisations and national bodies the company provides both longterm and project-based covers throughout the country.

Import and Export
As an island nation New Zealand is equally dependent on imports and exports. Over 30 years Crombie Lockwood has protected the business interests of all manner of importers and agencies -

From the fleet of one of New Zealand's largest fishery companies to passenger and tourism vessels and leisure craft, Crombie Lockwood has a 30 year history in Marine insurance.

From low-rise commercial and retail buildings to a number of the country's largest property developments Crombie Lockwood has earned an enviable reputation in the widely varied property sector.

Crombie Lockwood has a hands-on approach to understanding the business of manufacturing. From niche market operators to high volume mass markets our team believes in spending time on site to ensure the most comprehensive protection.

Rural and Farming
In addition to operating a specialised rural service team Crombie Lockwood has proprietary products for drystock and dairy farming , viticulture, horticulture and nursery businesses. Plus, our network of branches ensure face-to-face access for our rural and agricultural based clients.

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