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Craigs Investment Partners Limited Professional

Sep 12th, 2022 at 20:50   Professional Services   48 Shortland Street Auckland   28 views Reference: 153036

0.0 star

Click to get direction: 48 Shortland Street Auckland

Contact Info(s):

O: 099197400

F: 093032520

Mailing address

PO Box 1196 Auckland 1140

About Craigs Investment Partners Limited

Craigs Investment Partners offers a full broking service across New Zealand and international share and bond markets. We have been a sharebroking firm since 1984 and today we continue to have specialised expertise providing direct access to financial markets. We offer full broking capability for New Zealand and international markets, as well as in fixed income. Our Broking Service is suitable for clients who want to choose the securities they invest in or be more involved in the running of their portfolio. Our Investment Advisers can provide research and execute buy and sell transactions in equity and fixed income markets. Our Broking Service also includes foreign exchange and cash management. Our Private Wealth Services include: * Managed Portfolio Service * Broking Services * Investment Administration Service * Superannuation and Savings Solutions * KiwiSaver * Australian & UK Pension Transfers For more information on our services and how we can help you, contact Craigs Investment Partners Auckland Branch on (09) 919 7400. Craigs Investment Partners is an NZX Participant Firm. A Disclosure Statement is available on request and free of charge. Please visit www.craigsip.com for more information

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