Craig Wills Upholsterer Ltd Professional
Sep 12th, 2022 at 19:31 Auto Services 67 Wilson Street Whanganui 4500 27 views Reference: 148709Location: 67 Wilson Street Whanganui 4500
Click to get direction: 67 Wilson Street Whanganui 4500
Contact Info(s):
O: 063457584
Products and Services
PlacesAuto Interiors
VehiclesCars, Cars
ConcernsInterior Damage, Pet Damage
ProductsCanvas, Trim, Covers
MaterialsCanvas, Upholstery, Wool, Leather, Fabric, Canvas, Foam, Vinyl
ServicesTrimming, Recovering, Upholstering, Restoration, Repairs, Replacement, Trimming, Recovering, Riveting, Upholstering, Restoration, Repairs
Service OptionsVisit Us Online, Small Jobs
Year est.
About Craig Wills Upholsterer Ltd
Wear and tear on even high quality furniture can become obvious over time.
If your upholstery could use a little upkeep and care, talk to the specialists at Craig Wills Upholsterer.
Our expert team of professionals can breathe fresh life into your upholstery and furniture.
We pride ourselves on offering extensive services and can come to you anywhere in the Wanganui area.
So don't chuck that old much-loved piece of furniture away! Leave it for our talented upholsterers to rejuvenate and reinvigorate it for you.
Phone us today for more details or to get a free quote.
What makes us different
You can also rely on us for all your motor trimming and car carpeting jobs.
automotiveWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.