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Cover Me Professional

Sep 15th, 2022 at 19:47   Auto Services   39A Montgomery Crescent Clouston Park Upper Hutt   23 views Reference: 287151

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Click to get direction: 39A Montgomery Crescent Clouston Park Upper Hutt

Contact Info(s):

O: 045267840

F: 0275436069

Opening hours


Products and Services


Sewing, Stitching


Traditional, Antique


Boats, Trucks, Cars, Boats, Caravan, Luxury Cars, Cars


Rocking Chairs, Sofas, Chairs, Settees, Executive Chairs


Automotive, Marine



Price Information

Free Quotes


Made to Measure, Restoration, Custom Work, Repairs, Trimming, Custom Work, Recovering, Restoration, Customising


Leather, Suede, Canvas, Upholstery, Vinyl, Fabric

Service Options

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Markets Served

Commercial, Industrial, Commercial, Residential


Soft Tops, Covers, Seat Covers


Owner Operated, Guaranteed

Year est.


Parking options

Free Off-Street

About Cover Me

At Cover Me we can cover just about anything, just give Dion a call and ask.

We offer the following:

  • CAR UPHOLSTERY - We do everything from carpets to head linings, dashes to boot linings. We can restore your classic car to the original specifications or customize to your own taste, or we can come up with an individual design for you. From early classic cars to the very modern, we can do small repairs to complete re-trim of the whole car.

  • FURNITURE UPHOLSTERY - we can repair/recover and restore antique to modern furniture including woodwork. Industrial or commercial to domestic furniture, we can recover or repair it all, including office furniture and cafe/restaurant furniture and booth seating.

  • MARINE UPHOLSTERY - Yachts, launches, speed boats or fishing boats, we can cover them all with our range of marine fabrics.

  • CANVAS & PVC WORK - Boat Covers, Tarpaulins, Gym Mats, Ute Covers, Trailer Covers, Banners, Bags etc.

All work is done proudly to a high standard of workmanship, as we are an owner-operated business. We are always on hand to give suggestions and advice to suit your taste and pocket.

No job too big or too small, call Dion for a free quote.

If the opening hours don't suit we can come to you at your convenience.

What makes us different

We provide a wide range of high quality upholstery services. Our highly skilled and experienced tradespeople can take on jobs of different types and sizes. The results are always spectacular!

For more information, call us or contact via email. We are located in Upper Hutt.

Website: http://www.coverme.net.nz

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Cover-Me-364016257015566/?ref=hl

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