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Countrylife Educare Limited; Professional

Sep 14th, 2022 at 02:39   Child Care Services   83 Woodburn Drive Takapu Valley Wellington 5028   31 views Reference: 234901

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Click to get direction: 83 Woodburn Drive Takapu Valley Wellington 5028

Contact Info(s):

O: 042323184

About Countrylife Educare Limited;

Our philosophy is to provide all children, irrespective of gender, race or ability,
a challenging and nurturing environment, so children may learn through active
exploration while being safe and secure. Children's individual needs are met in
a positive and responsive manner to enhance warm relationships with adults
and peers.

Programmes are based on childrens strengths and needs, ascertained through
observations gained by both teachers and parents. Emphasis is placed on
building self-esteem, self-respect and a sense of belonging in every individual,
while interests are encouraged as per the emergent curriculum.

CountryLife Educare wants to provide an environment which is safe and secure
for children, while encouraging their learning/development while also
encouraging ecological awareness. CountryLife offers the children an
appreciation of nature, animals, whilst experiencing a rural environment and
empathy towards others.

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