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Cosy Cabin Rentals Professional

Sep 10th, 2022 at 05:43   Auto Services   4 Viv Davie-martin Drive RD 4 Warkworth 0984   14 views Reference: 42554
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Servicing: Auckland Region

Click to get direction: 4 Viv Davie-martin Drive RD 4 Warkworth 0984

Contact Info(s):

O: 0800267922

Products and Services


Campervans, Mobile Homes, Travel, Trailer Homes

Price Information



Storage Cabinets, Cabinets, Bedroom Sets, Mobile Homes, Cooktops, Double Beds, Beds, Kitchen Cabinets


Temporary Housing, Vacations, Sleepouts

Markets Served

Residential, Industrial

Service Options

Pick-ups, Free Over the Phone Quotes, Online Services, Online Viewing, No Obligation Quotes, Online Yellow Pages, Mobile Service, Rent Online, Online Quoting, Reserve Online, Visit Us Online, Online Pricing, Phone Orders

About Cosy Cabin Rentals

Are you looking for an alternative to Caravans and Motor Homes near Auckland?

Portable Cabin Rental from Cosy Cabin Rentals Ltd has one room & two room cabins for you to rent. We provide affordable, low maintenance, and high quality portable rental cabins:

  • Sleep out cabin - $65 per week and $300 bond suitable for an extra bedroom, home office, annexe, storage unit, art studio etc. Dimensions: 3.6 meters long by 2.4 meters wide.
  • Wade cabin - $90 per week and $300 bond for an extra bedroom, home office, annexe, storage unit, art studio etc. Dimensions: 4.8 meters long by 2.4 meters wide.
  • Kestrel cabin - $160 per week and $500 bond includes living and bedroom areas, a bathroom (chemical toilet and shower), and kitchenette with 2 burner stove (some units have a microwave with 2 elements hot plate), sink, and bench. Dimensions: 6 metres x 2.7 metres
  • Norfolk cabin - $180 (chemical toilet), $200 (flush toilet) per week and $500 bond. The largest cabin suitable for a granny flat, rental accommodation, or home/farm stay. Includes a living and kitchen area, with separate bedroom and bathroom. Dimensions: 7.2 meters long by 2.7 meters wide. Alternative size 7.2 x 2.4

Cosy Cabins are all transportable and built on a single axle for the Sleepout and Wade, twin axle for the Kestrel and Norfolk. The Cosy Cabin transporting vehicle has special features allowing easier relocating for difficult sites.

Since in most cabins are only to be temporarily located therefore no building permit or RMA certification is required. Note: This will vary depending upon local body requirements.

Cabins are built on a chassis with either single or dual axles to make them easily relocatable.

Contact us 0800 267 922. We can talk about what we can do for you.

What makes us different

Cosy Cabin Rentals provide quality temporary accommodation via portable rental cabins for the greater Auckland area from Bombay hills to the Brynderwyn Hills. Our Cosy Cabins features include:

  • Professionally built cabins
  • Fully insulated to residential standards
  • Quality long lasting materials
  • Portable for easy relocation
  • Deck and entrance stairs
  • Lockable main entrance
  • Curtains
  • Smoke alarm

Website: https://www.portablebuildingrental.co.nz

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