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Corson Tyres Ltd Professional

Sep 12th, 2022 at 19:41   Auto Services   Servicing: New Plymouth   31 views Reference: 149221

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Contact Info(s):

O: 067586100

F: 067586109

About Corson Tyres Ltd

Servicing New Plymouth wide, there is no job too big or too small. We carry all major brands of tyres, including Bridgestone and Supercat, We also provide wheel alignment, puncture repairs and everything in between. In addition to tyres, we also specialise in mechanical repairs, batteries, and WOF (Warrant of Fitness). With our handy central location, only a short walk to town, you can easily come in for service. MTA Approved.

Car, truck, 4WD, motorbikes, tractor, marine and deep cycle, ATV, wheelbarrows.
Car and truck call outs for batteries and tyres, on farm services, tractor tyre vulcanising, puncture repairs, suspensions, oil and filter, A Grade repairs, Nitrogen, brakes, and warrant of fitness

Your one stop shop! Open seven days a week, we also offer after hours service and can answer to callouts. So don't hesitate to contact us today to arrange a free no obligation quote!

Find us on FB.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Corson-Tyres-LTD-2012-306363402802687/

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