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Corson Tyres 2012 Ltd Professional

Sep 13th, 2022 at 23:21   Auto Services   160 Gill Street Strandon New Plymouth 4312   21 views Reference: 224079
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Servicing: Taranaki

Click to get direction: 160 Gill Street Strandon New Plymouth 4312

Contact Info(s):

O: 067586100

F: 0274526729

Opening hours


Products and Services


Sealed Lead Acid, Deep Cycle, Absorption Glass Mat, Gel Cell, Off-road Tyres, Light Commercial Tyres, Passenger tyres, Truck Tyres, Car Tyres, All Season Tyres

Markets Served

Marine, Commercial


Sport Motorcycles, ATVs, 4WD, Trucks, Motorcycles, Tractors


Tyres, Batteries, Batteries, Air Brakes, Brakes

Vehicle Features



Cars, Boats, Vehicles, Trucks, Motorcycles, Tractors




Punctures, Leaks




Testing, Charging, Puncture repairs, Wheel Balancing, Nitrogen tyre inflation, Installation, Flat Tyre Repairs, Alignments, Tyre replacement, Tyre Fitting, Wheel Alignments, Repairs, Repairs, Tyre Balancing, Safety Checks, Engine Repairs


Firestone, Bridgestone, Supercat

Service Options

Free Estimates, Free Quotes, Free Consultation, Free Sales Estimates, Quotes, Free Repair Estimates, Visit Us Online, Consultations, Drop Offs


Locally Owned & Operated, Locally Owned & Operated, Warranties, Warrant of Fitness, Owner Operated, WOF


Motor Trade Association (Inc)
Motor Trade Association (Inc)

Payment options

Credit Terms Available
Farmers Card
Direct Credit (internet banking, phone banking)
Q Card

About Corson Tyres 2012 Ltd

Servicing New Plymouth wide, there is no job too big or too small. We carry all major brands of tyres, including Bridgestone and Supercat, We also provide wheel alignment, puncture repairs and everything in between. In addition to tyres, we also specialise in mechanical repairs, batteries, and WOF (Warrant of Fitness). With our handy central location, only a short walk to town, you can easily come in for service. MTA Approved.

Car, truck, 4WD, motorbikes, tractor, marine and deep cycle, ATV, wheelbarrows.
Car and truck call outs for batteries and tyres, on farm services, tractor tyre vulcanising, puncture repairs, suspensions, oil and filter, A Grade repairs, Nitrogen, brakes, and warrant of fitness

Your one stop shop! Open seven days a week, we also offer after hours service and can answer to callouts. So don't hesitate to contact us today to arrange a free no obligation quote!

Find us on FB.

What makes us different

The level of service we provide is what sets us apart from our competitors. From tyres to batteries, mechanical repairs to WOF testing, we can do it all in one location. A supplier of all leading tyre brands, we can cater to all types of vehicles. You can also take advantage of our 24/7 callout service.

At Corson Tyres, we have an experienced team with over 30 years in the industry. Our five hardworking guys always work together to ensure our customers' needs are met in a timely manner and with great precision. We look forward to working with you.

Website: http://www.corsontyres.co.nz

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Corson-Tyres-LTD-2012-306363402802687/

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