Cornish Truck & Van Professional
Sep 10th, 2022 at 01:23 Auto Services 120B Sunnybrae Road Hillcrest Auckland 0627 30 views Reference: 18399Servicing: Hibiscus Coast, Auckland City
Click to get direction: 120B Sunnybrae Road Hillcrest Auckland 0627
Contact Info(s):
O: 094414018
F: 094441507
Opening hours
- Mon
- Tue
- Wed
- Thu
- Fri
- Sat
- Sun
Products and Services
VehiclesVans, Trucks, Diesel Trucks
Markets ServedResidential, Commercial, Industrial
Service OptionsOn-site Service, Service Calls
ServicesBalancing, Repairs, Replacement
Price InformationCommercial Accounts
Vehicle StyleLight Duty, Heavy Duty
AssurancesLocally Operated, Locally Owned
Year est.
Parking options
Free Off-StreetPayment options
Mailing address
PO Box 26 Silverdale Auckland 0944
About Cornish Truck & Van
With locations in both Glenfield as well as Silverdale, you can rely on the team at Cornish Truck & Van to provide you with the superior automotive repairs & servicing that we've become renowned for providing!
Our experienced team of professionals guarantee a 1st time pass, only one visit in and gone! We provide a 24 hour call out service, on-site servicing as well as wheel alignment services. We also have brake rollers to correct any COF brake imbalances.
Why use Cornish Truck & Van as your service provider?
- We are COF Brake imbalance specialists
- We offer clients cheaper servicing costs
- We offer free delivery & collection of your vehicle
We pride ourselves on providing our clients with top quality, reliable services aimed at getting you on the road safely & quickly. Give us a call for more information today!
- North Shore: 120B Sunnybrae Road, Glenfield, Auckland
- Silverdale: 7 Furnace Place, Silverdale, Auckland
What makes us different
We are experts in automotive repair and provide high quality auto electrical and auto services including WOF to both commercial and private use vehicles. We have the latest state-of-the-art diagnostic and car servicing equipment. Contact us today for more information.
automotive-repairsWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.