Coombes & Rennie Ltd Professional
Sep 14th, 2022 at 04:57 Auto Services Servicing: Hamilton, Huntly Area, Matamata Area, Taumarunui Area, Te Kuiti Area, Thames Area, Tokoroa Area 24 views Reference: 246374Contact Info(s):
O: 078474939
F: 078393845
Opening hours
- Mon
- Tue
- Wed
- Thu
- Fri
- Sat
- Sun
Products and Services
Vehicle TypeImports
Vehicle Features4WD
Price InformationFree Evaluation, Free Information, Free Consultation, Free Appraisals, Fixed Price, Free Estimates
PartsFan Belts, Cooling Systems, Lights, Heat Exchangers, Transmission Coolers, Radiators
Year est.
Parking options
Free Off-StreetPayment options
About Coombes & Rennie Ltd
If Your Vehicle Is Overheating, Then The Best Time To Fix It Is NOW! There may be a leak in the Radiator! If your temperature gauge is reading Hot, then give us a call! At the first sign of overheating, the only place to take a leak in the Waikato is at Coombes & Rennie - Radiator & Cooling systems specialists.
We at Coombes & Rennie can help you whether it's:
- Custom-made radiators
- Repairs/Clean outs
- Recores & exchange units
- Aluminium welding
- Light/Heavy vehicle
- Plastic tank radiators.
We also provide free cooling system checks, and can provide same day service.
Coombes & Rennie is a family business established in 1944. I've been running this company since 1997, and all work is carried out by A grade mechanics specialising in Japanese & European vehicles who look at the whole picture, and provide you correct advise.
Give us a call today, or just call-in! We're located on 225 Anglesea St, Hamilton.
Or send an email for enquiries.
Best Regards
Dion Rennie
P.S. We are available weekends by appointment.
What makes us different
At Coombes & Rennie Ltd, we specialise in radiators. From repairs and maintenance, to custom build, we do it all!
automotiveWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.